Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | November 9, 2009

Color Wheel

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | November 9, 2009

Water Color Resourcce Post

Artist: Garland Oldham

Title: Mother and Son

Dimension:  20” by 16”

 Media of each work:  water color

Why you chose it:  it looked really nice

What about the reference image you can integrate: I like how it’s slightly blurry

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  98% of people with the name are male.


Artist: Stocktrek Images

Title: False Color View of Polynya (Open Water) in the Beauford Sea

Dimension:  48” by 64”

 Media of each work: water color

Why you chose it:  I like the swirling colors

What about the reference image you can integrate: It’s very sporadic

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  Mostly takes pictures of helicopters


Artist: Quint Meza

Title: Water Color Crane Bird

Dimension:  10” by 8”

 Media of each work: water color

Why you chose it:  it looks really colorful

What about the reference image you can integrate:  there are the theater faces in the corner

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  Takes pictures of pigs.


Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | November 7, 2009

2 Point Perspective Activity Log

The first day doing the two point perspective I had found a good spot by a door and was writing out what I saw. It was going fairly well and I was doing well and measuring out with my ruler but it was a little difficult because I couldn’t see too well without my glasses.  I made it through all right though and the bell rang. The second day I was starting to work on the ceiling and I was going well. I did a lot more on my second day and i was happy how much got done. The perspective was a bit difficult to get down though. I was absent for a while though and I didn’t finish it.

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | September 24, 2009

Pen and Ink Activity Log

The first day is the day we were told to start to pencil the image of the church into our sketch books. I started out penciling it in and it was going but then the bell rang because we had talked a lot at the beginning of class. But I had nearly finished the pencil so I packed up and went. The second day was when I started to ink, I had just finished penciling so I went and grabbed an inkwell and a pen and went to work. The pen was kind of hard to maneuver and I had splashed ink all over my drawing. I had managed to work it into the drawing though so you couldn’t see it, but by then class was over and I had only finished the tower and part of the house but I packed and left.

On day three was when I was ready to work. I had gotten the ink well and I noticed that a lot of ink was coming off the pen and messing with the drawing so I decided to start getting rid of some of the ink by dropping some of it on the paper towel and that mostly worked but there was a bit less ink then I would’ve liked to use so I made a different style of getting it on the paper towel. By flicking it slightly to make it drop on the paper towel, usually just a drop would fall. By the end of the class I was just about finished but my pen caught the page and ink went all over the right side of the paper and I tried to fix it but it smeared and I let it dry while I finished the rest of it. After I had finished I tried to erase some of the ink and it worked kind of and then I erased the rest of the lines and I was done.

Day 4

Day 3 

Day 2 

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | September 16, 2009





Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | September 14, 2009

Pen and Ink Resource Post

Artist: Edward Lear

Title: The Letter C of the Alphabet

Dimension: 9.75″ x 7.75″

 Media of each work: Pen and Ink on Paper

Why you chose it:  It looks silly

What about the reference image you can integrate:  I like the use of stripes.

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  He was born in 1812.


Artist: Albrecht Dürer

Title: Walrus

Dimension: 51.5″ x 34.5″

 Media of each work: Pen and Ink on Paper

Why you chose it:  Walrus’ are awesome

What about the reference image you can integrate:  I like the use of the whiskers

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  He was the most influential artist of the German school, b. Nuremberg.


Artist: Albrecht Dürer

Title: Fencing Book

Dimension: 51.5″ x 32.25″

 Media of each work: Pen and ink on paper

Why you chose it:  It looks cool.

What about the reference image you can integrate: I like how real it looks like a real battle

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  son of a goldsmith


Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | September 14, 2009

Still-Life Activity Log

I picked my best drawing from my four angles page and that just happened to be right in front of the bottle. On the first day people were already sitting there though so I had to take a picture of it and work with that. It was working pretty well other than it being very blurry. I was drawing with the picture on my computer and I was using my eraser to get rid of some lines that were left behind that weren’t taken away by the blending tool, which is very cool, when time was up so I had to put it away. I had gotten a lot done and it was looking good.

The second day I had finished a lot so I brought it up to Mr. Nelson and he said to shade more and put in some more glare on the bottle, so I did. After that I began to shade in the back and with that I used up a lot of lead on my paper. Then I used the shading tool to shade a lot and afterwards it was almost completely black. By then the bell had rang and class was over so I packed up my stuff and left.

On day three I didn’t really know what to do next so I looked over my drawing and saw that the background was really dark considering most stuff in the foreground was light so I took an eraser and erased a lot of it but still left the shade of it so that it would be bright but still kind of dark. Then I thought I was done so I brought it up to Mr. Nelson and he told me to make the bottle darker and to add more glare to it. So I went back to my desk and did that and then I was done.

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | August 29, 2009

Artist: Vincent Van Gogh

Title: Vase of Flowers

Dimension: 31x444in

 Media of each work: Oil on Canvas

Why you chose it:  I like Van Gogh.

What about the reference image you can integrate:  I really like the shapes of the flowers.

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  Van Gogh wrote over 800 letters in his lifetime


Artist: Picasso

Title: Petite Fleurs

Dimension: 24x36in

 Media of each work: art print

Why you chose it:  I like the colors of the flowers.

What about the reference image you can integrate:  I like the colors he used on the flowers.

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  Picasso’s first word was pencil.


Artist: Claude Monet

Title: Bouquet Floral

Dimension: 13x13in

 Media of each work: art print

Why you chose it:  it looks cool

What about the reference image you can integrate:  I like the shapes of the flowers.

Some interesting factoid about the artist(s).  Monet painted a series of Weeping Willow trees as homage to the French fallen soldiers.

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | August 26, 2009

Leaf Activity Log

I started drawing my leaf and I didn’t have a lot of confidence that it would turn out that good.  When I first learned about rubbing the color with your finger it really excited me, I was sure it would be great.  I drew out the outline and started to draw I didn’t like it at first so I started over with a clean sheet.  When I started this one it was going better and looked more like a leaf and I got the basic shape but the shading was pretty off but then the bell rang and I decided that it looked good like it was.

On the second day is when I fell and broke my wrist at the beginning of 6th period, so I went to Mr. White and he brought me up in class and one f his student splinted it and I ran to class and when I got here class was half over. But, I still had time to get some drawing done so I pulled out my pens and got to work.  I started to make the veins but I could barely get the color off the page and that was really frustrating. By the end I had gotten some pretty good veins in there.

On the third day I had gotten my temporary cast and made it just in time for class.  We were putting the finishing touches on our art and taking pictures. Of it and I was attempting to put in shading detail and it wasn’t going so good. By this time I was thinking that my picture was terrible because I saw others that were around me and they were great. But when I brought it up and Mr. Nelson put on the finishing touches of the shading detail it looked a lot better and I was glad I came out so well.

Posted by: ekrumwiede13 | August 16, 2009

Welcome to my Blog

My name is Ethan Krumwiede, I am taking intro to fine arts and i am in period 7. I don’t have a favorite artist though, but my favorite medium is water colors because they come out looking great and they blend well together
